Brad & Kathy’s genealogy

Family History of Brad Mohr & Kathy Whalen


Matches 4251 to 4300 of 8064

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
4251 S895 Grave marker of Salvador J. Jr. and Alice F. Cosimano
Pamela Cosimano 
4252 S747 Grave marker of Sarah Astumian
4253 S37 Grave marker, Holbrook Cemetery, Holbrook, Furnas County, Nebraska.
4254 S1991 Haddock Family Calif. Tree
username shaddo1 
4255 S379 Hamburg Passenger Lists - Johan Knuth Family
4256 S5105 Hamilton Air - A Legacy of Veterans and Flight
4257 S4492 Happy 4th
Wendell Mohr 
4258 S5084 Headstone Application for Andrew P. Hamilton (National Archives & Records Administration) 
4259 S5085 Headstone Application for Andrew Paterson Hamilton Jr. (National Archives & Records Administration) 
4260 S5086 Headstone Application for DuWayne D. Schoelzel (National Archives & Records Administration) 
4261 S7561 Headstone Application for Samuel E. Poore (National Archives & Records Administration) 
4262 S7996 Headstone Inscription & Interment Record for Herman J. Heide (National Archives & Records Administration) 
4263 S904 Healys Killarney-Worcester, MA
Keith J. MacNeil 
4264 S674 Held Family Tree
4265 S7946 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois
4266 S549 History of Du Page County, Illinois
Rufus Blanchard 
4267 S7094 History of the Henry Troell Family - German Immigrant to Texas in 1859
Jeannine Chamberlain Hardy 
4268 S3128 History of the Kimball Family in America from 1634 to 1897
Leonard Allison Morison, A.M., Stephen Paschall Sharples, S.B. 
4269 S1761 Hokanson/Ferguson Family Tree
username dchokanson 
4270 S1910 Hope Cemetery Burial Records
Hope Cemetery (Kutztown, Pennsylvania) 
4271 S675 Idaho Death Index, 1911-1951 (Idaho Department of Health and Welfare) 
4272 S676 Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996 (Idaho Department of Health and Welfare) 
4273 S141 Idskje’s Genealogie
Idskje Smits 
4274 S2834 Illinois Statewide Death Index, 1916-1950
Illinois State Archives & Illinois State Genealogical Society 
4275 S1759 Illinois Statewide Death Index, 1916-1950
Illinois State Archives & Illinois State Genealogical Society 
4276 S1534 Illinois Statewide Death Index, Pre-1916
Illinois State Archives & Illinois State Genealogical Society 
4277 S127 Illinois Statewide Death Index, Pre-1916
Illinois State Archives & Illinois State Genealogical Society 
4278 S52 Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763–1900
Illinois State Archives & Illinois State Genealogical Society 
4279 S5563 Illinois, Cook County Deaths, 1878-1994 (Cook County Clerk’s Office) 
4280 S6054 Illinois, County Marriage Records, 1800-1940 (various collections) 
4281 S2329 Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947 
4282 S2754 Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947 
4283 S5961 Illinois, Marriage Index, 1860-1920 (Illinois State Public Records Office) 
4284 S680 Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 (Works Progress Administration) 
4285 S6749 Indiana, Marriages, 1800-2001 
4286 S6826 Indiana, Select Marriages Index, 1743-1993 
4287 S4022 Infant, Recovered, Is Home After Emergency Flight
4288 S2877 Info on Nina McCord Knott and her side of the family
Mary Swank 
4289 S235 Info regarding Oedts Obbes Bangma (1742) and Lijsbet Pytters (1752)
Eric Langenberg 
4290 S7493 Initial Case of the Sleeping Sickness Breaks Uot [sic] in City
4291 S1994 Iowa County Births, 1880-1935 index and images 
4292 S4957 Iowa, Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1999 
4293 S4752 Iowa, Select Marriages Index, 1758-1996 
4294 S36 Irving Park Cemetery burial records
4295 S79 J. L. Oestmann Funeral to be Held Tomorrow
4296 S5164 John G. Avildsen, Director of ‘Rocky,’ ‘Karate Kid’ Films, Dies at 81
Carmel Dagan 
4297 S4860 John G. Avildsen, in IMDb: the Internet Movie Database
4298 S4859 John G. Avildsen, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia
4299 S4862 Jonathan Avildsen, in IMDb: the Internet Movie Database
4300 S924 Jordan
Wendell Mohr 

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