Brad & Kathy’s genealogy

Family History of Brad Mohr & Kathy Whalen


Matches 4351 to 4400 of 8064

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
4351 S751 Little Boy Is Shot By His Playmate
4352 S703 Lots more on descendants of Frank Ort (via son Albert A. L. Ort)
Sue Clavin 
4353 S4627 Louisiana, Death Index, 1819-1964 (State of Louisiana, Secretary of State) 
4354 S5459 Lt. DeBow Returns from War Theater
4355 S229 Lutheran Churches of Chicago: St. Markus (St. Mark’s) Norwegian Lutheran Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 
4356 S1102 Luytjes/Latham Family Tree
username Catbird707 
4357 S4519 Maine, Birth Records, 1621-1922 (Maine State Archives) 
4358 S4540 Maine, Death Index, 1960-1997 (Maine Department of Human Services) 
4359 S4526 Maine, Marriage Index, 1670-1921 (FamilySearch) 
4360 S4529 Maine, Marriage Index, 1892-1996 (Maine State Archives) 
4361 S2608 Maine, Marriage Index, 1892-1996 (Maine State Archives) 
4362 S5685 Maintenance is Sought
4363 S7746 Malone Taken into Custody
4364 S6123 Marianne Fogel Enlists in WAVES
4365 S2737 Marion County (Indiana) Marriage Record Search
Marion County Circuit Court 
4366 S4072 Marion County, Indiana, Index to Marriage Records 1911-1915 (Works Progress Administration and Liahona Research) 
4367 S6297 Marks 100th Birthday
4368 S7393 Marriage Announcement of Adolphus Barr and Mollie Buckles
4369 S4865 Marriage Announcement of Alec Bengel and Mary Colby
4370 S6741 Marriage Announcement of Alvin Ira Goldstein and Bonnie Esther Silberman
4371 S5657 Marriage Announcement of Arden LaVerne Mulvania and Peggy Garst
4372 S4222 Marriage Announcement of Arie Dykstra and Lucia Tamminga
4373 S4681 Marriage Announcement of Arlyn A. Schoelzel and Linda Brown
4374 S5579 Marriage Announcement of Arthur Lyle Macartney and Ellen Jane Glowka
4375 S4889 Marriage Announcement of Arthur R. Myhrum and Margaret Quincy Young
4376 S5669 Marriage Announcement of Arthur Webb and Blanche Haizman
4377 S5583 Marriage Announcement of Arthur Wilmer Macartney and Desta Adeline Keenan
4378 S2139 Marriage Announcement of Audris Schoelzel and Verlyn D. Wolfe
4379 S460 Marriage Announcement of Audris Schoelzel and Verlyn Wolfe
4380 S6278 Marriage Announcement of August Schoelzel and Mrs. Marie S. Fehlbaum
4381 S7354 Marriage Announcement of Benjamin Houston Carder III and Niki Kitzmiller
4382 S4640 Marriage Announcement of Brad Graffunder and Robin Froeba
4383 S5952 Marriage Announcement of Burton Foster, Jr. and Irma June Christiance
4384 S5953 Marriage Announcement of Burton Foster, Jr. and Irma June Christiance
4385 S7002 Marriage Announcement of Charles Duwe and Lois Scharringhausen
4386 S7812 Marriage Announcement of Charles Glen Norrod and Georgia Ann Frederick
4387 S4814 Marriage Announcement of Charles Schwendeman and Elizabeth Byrne
4388 S7585 Marriage Announcement of Charlie B. Poore and Jeneva Ann Smith
4389 S5370 Marriage Announcement of Charlie Edgar Poore and Anita Von Carder
4390 S7344 Marriage Announcement of Charlie Edgar Poore and Anita Von Carder
4391 S6982 Marriage Announcement of Clarence Schuette and Stell Scharringhausen
4392 S4466 Marriage Announcement of Clark Hainzlsperger and Debbie J. Borchardt
4393 S4249 Marriage Announcement of Cletus E. Byrne, Jr. and Nancy Nangle
4394 S5266 Marriage Announcement of Clifford Landwer and Henrietta Jean Saltsman
4395 S4993 Marriage Announcement of Clyn Smith III and Christopher Campbell
4396 S4747 Marriage Announcement of Dale Bittner and Gretchen [Bolich Poppe]
4397 S7992 Marriage Announcement of Dan C. Trustem and Joleen M. Clark
4398 S4650 Marriage Announcement of Daniel Allen Schoelzel and Susan Marie Spencer
4399 S4637 Marriage Announcement of Daniel Michael Froeba and Robin Sue Schoelzel
4400 S7158 Marriage Announcement of Danny Beck and Cindy Hanz

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