Brad & Kathy’s genealogy

Family History of Brad Mohr & Kathy Whalen


Matches 4651 to 4700 of 8064

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
4651 S2457 Marriage License of Christ Kummerow and Augusta Oestmann
4652 S3935 Marriage License of Christian Johann Karl Kummerow and Minna Oestmann
4653 S4625 Marriage License of Claude Arthur Hale and Mary Catherine McDowell
4654 S4992 Marriage License of Clyn Smith and Rachel V. Smith
4655 S6370 Marriage License of Delmer Gene McConnell and Bettie Jean Gouge
4656 S5488 Marriage License of Donald Allen Hall and Linda Lou Troxell
4657 S5928 Marriage License of Edgar Poor and Sallie Buckles
4658 S1016 Marriage License of Edward Brandt and Sarah Kampert
4659 S854 Marriage License of Edward C. C. Senf and Hulda C. Kolze
4660 S569 Marriage License of Edward L. Oestmann and Emma Rhemann
4661 S617 Marriage License of Edward Lageschulte and Laura Kampert
4662 S723 Marriage License of Einar M. H. Madsen and Hannah Mohr
4663 S572 Marriage License of Einar R. Mohr and Hanna Hansen
4664 S565 Marriage License of Emil H. Ahrbecker and Mathilda Kummerow
4665 S5376 Marriage License of Emmet Talmadge White, Jr. and Betty Lou Orr
4666 S743 Marriage License of Enoch Brandt and Katie Kampert
4667 S3552 Marriage License of Ernest E. McMullen and Gertrude A. Schoelzel
4668 S949 Marriage License of Ernst G. Peterson and Louise Leutz
4669 S974 Marriage License of Ernst H. Spiering and Emma Schoelzel
4670 S3551 Marriage License of Eugene Edwin Regan and Florence Ann Whalen
4671 S1773 Marriage License of Ferdinand Knuth and Anna Praetorius
4672 S574 Marriage License of Frank F. Kummerow and Amanda Burg
4673 S571 Marriage License of Frank Kummerow and Anna Brunkhorst
4674 S616 Marriage License of Frank Landwer and Frieda Wolthausen
4675 S857 Marriage License of Fred Horn and Edna Kolze
4676 S3182 Marriage License of Fred S. Leyde and Henrietta Mohr
4677 S4674 Marriage License of Fred William Laabs and Lillian Norma Botterud
4678 S1756 Marriage License of Fritz Burmeister and Christiana Range
4679 S7131 Marriage License of George Curtis Schoelzel and Janeese Annette Benfer
4680 S3739 Marriage License of George Frank Siegler and Helen Angelos
4681 S581 Marriage License of Harold E. Thon and Lauretta Knuth
4682 S3188 Marriage License of Harold Otto Held and Margareth Helen Johnson
4683 S4169 Marriage License of Harry P. De Vries and Mabel C. Frelier
4684 S6798 Marriage License of Hendreikus F. BruinSlot and Charlotte R. Fisher
4685 S583 Marriage License of Henry Frandsen and Catherine Anna Hansen
4686 S2793 Marriage License of Henry Frandsen, Jr and Jean Marie Dading
4687 S3191 Marriage License of Henry Kampert and Frances Olds
4688 S1470 Marriage License of Henry Leutz and Minnie Knuth
4689 S7143 Marriage License of Henry Schrank, Jr. and Nelda Hanz
4690 S3198 Marriage License of Henry Sterk and Elizabeth Martens
4691 S3189 Marriage License of Herbert Alvin Held and Betty Hazel Johnson
4692 S742 Marriage License of Herbert Kampert and Frieda Berg
4693 S744 Marriage License of Herbert L. Homuth and Addie F. Kampert
4694 S575 Marriage License of Herbert L. Meiners and Emma Miller
4695 S745 Marriage License of Herman J. Kolze and Caroline Horn
4696 S975 Marriage License of Herman Wilke and Emilie Knuth
4697 S7520 Marriage License of Hiram Brown and Agnes Oliver
4698 S5248 Marriage License of J.E. Bible and Helen G. Barrows
4699 S3186 Marriage License of Jacob Andriese and Trina Martens
4700 S7945 Marriage License of Jacob DeVries and Alice Vander Meulen

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