Brad & Kathy’s genealogy

Family History of Brad Mohr & Kathy Whalen


Matches 5051 to 5100 of 8064

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
5051 S1342 Marriage Registration of Montie Leavitt and Nellie Kenney
5052 S1591 Marriage Registration of Morton P. Cummings and Annie Lillian Whalen
5053 S5103 Marriage Registration of Nicholas Kessedakis and Alexander [Alexandria] Serelis
5054 S5104 Marriage Registration of Nicholas Kessedakis and Alexander [Alexandria] Serelis
5055 S2872 Marriage Registration of Niels Julius Hoel and Lillian Urannah Irons
5056 S2181 Marriage Registration of Odilon Marion and Rose Lavoie
5057 S1309 Marriage Registration of Oran Wallace Hargraves and Ruth Emery (Gurley) Kitchen
5058 S6177 Marriage Registration of Oscar M. Ide and Josephine Lund
5059 S6878 Marriage Registration of Paul Garst and Bertha Emerick
5060 S5555 Marriage Registration of Paul S. Hodge and Nina L. Ford
5061 S5347 Marriage Registration of Peter Keller and Mary Meyer
5062 S6244 Marriage Registration of Ralph C. Packard and Gertrude Schwelzel [Schoelzel] Mannell
5063 S2515 Marriage Registration of Richard A. Hall and Nellie M. Farley
5064 S1437 Marriage Registration of Richard Booker and Martha Smith
5065 S2963 Marriage Registration of Richard F. Gurley and Ethel A. Chase
5066 S2560 Marriage Registration of Robert A. Hammond and Arminie L. Shields
5067 S1388 Marriage Registration of Rupert S. Gurley and Gertrude Mae Towle
5068 S1389 Marriage Registration of Rupert S. Gurley and Gertrude Mae Towle
5069 S2840 Marriage Registration of Sam Jones and Clara Mills
5070 S5483 Marriage Registration of Sam’l H. Carder and Flora E. Garst
5071 S1304 Marriage Registration of Samuel A. Fish and Mary M. (Baker) Lesle
5072 S1308 Marriage Registration of Samuel Arthur Gurley and Esther Marion Knott
5073 S3274 Marriage Registration of Samuel G. Colson and Gertrude E. Burrill
5074 S2609 Marriage Registration of Samuel George Posthuma and Angela Ruth De Vries
5075 S1318 Marriage Registration of Samuel Perley and Ella Inez Kneeland
5076 S2544 Marriage Registration of Sidney DeVries and Janet Schumacher
5077 S5062 Marriage Registration of Stamatis Tsepas and Argyra G. Serelis
5078 S5510 Marriage Registration of Theodore Louis Fortier and Grace Lucille Marion
5079 S1400 Marriage Registration of Thomas H. O’Malley and Virginia Allaire
5080 S2407 Marriage Registration of Thomas Vaughn Ford and Imogene Susan Elliott
5081 S2841 Marriage Registration of Ves James and Clara F. Mills
5082 S834 Marriage Registration of William A. Pleau and Helen Whalen
5083 S3123 Marriage Registration of William F. Kimball and Mary J. Cole
5084 S4541 Marriage Registration of William Gould Goff and Corinne Rutherford Hall
5085 S896 Marriage Registration of William H. Campbell and Maria A. Healy
5086 S6900 Marriage Registration of William H. Hartman and Emma Peterson
5087 S2674 Marriage Registration of William J. Swank and Anna S. Campbell
5088 S4220 Marriage Registration of William James Pilot and Esther Tsepas
5089 S1469 Marriage Registration of William L. Fox and Theresa B. Cahill
5090 S6879 Marriage Registration of William R. Emerick and Anna B. Beel
5091 S5773 Marriage Registration of Wm. J. Jensen and Linda S. Peterson
5092 S7247 Marriage Registration of Wm. Stanley Stout and Elberta C. Knotts
5093 S7314 Marriage Return of Arden LaVerne Mulvania and Peggy Joan Garst
5094 S6222 Marriage Return of Edward Mayo Cook and Lesleigh L. Orndorff
5095 S3793 Marriage Return of Ernest Glenn Johnson and Adeline Newell, nee Swank
5096 S6225 Marriage Return of Frederick Theodore Tetlow and Wendolyn Evans-Smith
5097 S6223 Marriage Return of George Allen Orndorff and Lesleigh L. Wilhelm
5098 S6894 Marriage Return of Grant Wilkins and Diane Schoelzel
5099 S7315 Marriage Return of Halvard S. Palmquist and Frances P. Garst
5100 S4958 Marriage Return of John A. Erickson and Inez L. Lemke

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