Brad & Kathy’s genealogy

Family History of Brad Mohr & Kathy Whalen

Exeter, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, USA


City/Town : Latitude: 42.9814292, Longitude: -70.9477546


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Fifield, Emma I.  Abt 1855I9512
2 Hughey, Carl William  25 Aug 1902I8472


Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Boyce, Fredrick Barker  4 May 1959I8596
2 Larkin, Alma Frances  24 Feb 1972I7830
3 Larkin, Barbara Ellen  14 Feb 1941I8047


Matches 1 to 6 of 6

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Census    Person ID 
1 Call, Eunice Frances  1940I7832
2 Larkin, Alma Frances  1940I7830
3 Larkin, Barbara Ellen  1940I8047
4 Larkin, Harold Elwin  1940I7831
5 Larkin, M.  I8046
6 Larkin, Virginia Allettie  1940I8048


Matches 1 to 32 of 32

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 _____, _____  Oct 1963I13960
2 _____, _____  Sep 1968I13963
3 Boyce, Fredrick Barker  Apr 1942I8596
4 Call, Eunice Frances  1935I7832
5 Call, Eunice Frances  May 1941I7832
6 Call, Eunice Frances  Jun 1941I7832
7 Gurley, Ida Gertrude  May 1959I5604
8 Kimball, Benjamin  1659I9201
9 Larkin, Alma Frances  1935I7830
10 Larkin, Alma Frances  Jun 1941I7830
11 Larkin, Alma Frances  Jan 1962I7830
12 Larkin, Alma Frances  Oct 1963I7830
13 Larkin, Alma Frances  Sep 1968I7830
14 Larkin, Alma Frances  Feb 1972I7830
15 Larkin, Barbara Ellen  1935I8047
16 Larkin, Harold Elwin  1935I7831
17 Larkin, Harold Elwin  Feb 1941I7831
18 Larkin, Harold Elwin  May 1941I7831
19 Larkin, Harold Elwin  Jun 1941I7831
20 Larkin, M.  I8046
21 Larkin, M.  I8046
22 Larkin, Virginia Allettie  1935I8048
23 Larkin, Virginia Allettie  Jan 1972I8048
24 Marion, George Joseph  Jun 1941I7829
25 Marion, George Joseph  Apr 1942I7829
26 Marion, George Joseph  Jan 1962I7829
27 Marion, George Joseph  Oct 1963I7829
28 Marion, George Joseph  Sep 1968I7829
29 Marion, George Joseph  Feb 1972I7829
30 Marion, George Joseph  Jun 1992I7829
31 Milner, James E.  Oct 1963I13959
32 Wiggin, Stanley I.  Sep 1968I13962


Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Marion / Larkin  12 Jun 1941F5331
2 Marion / Wiggin  Abt Sep 1968F9442
3 Milner / Marion  F9441

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