Brad & Kathy’s genealogy

Family History of Brad Mohr & Kathy Whalen

Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio, USA


City/Town : Latitude: 41.6639383, Longitude: -83.555212


Matches 1 to 10 of 10

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Census    Person ID   Tree 
1 Knotts, Ellen Pearl  1930I656 Mohr-Whalen 
2 Randall, John B.  1930I6293 Mohr-Whalen 
3 Randall, Nellie  1930I6291 Mohr-Whalen 
4 Reams, Jasper Clyde  1930I5835 Mohr-Whalen 
5 Reams, Leo Leroy  1930I655 Mohr-Whalen 
6 Reams, Mary Hazel  1930I386 Mohr-Whalen 
7 Reams, P.E.  I6292 Mohr-Whalen 
8 Shields, Robert Duncan  1940I8068 Mohr-Whalen 
9 Shields, Virginia Duncan  1940I392 Mohr-Whalen 
10 Smith, Virginia S.  1940I8069 Mohr-Whalen 


Matches 1 to 8 of 8

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID   Tree 
1 Reams, Jasper Clyde  Jun 1917I5835 Mohr-Whalen 
2 Reams, Jasper Clyde  1942I5835 Mohr-Whalen 
3 Reams, Jasper Clyde  May 1949I5835 Mohr-Whalen 
4 Sczech, Julia  Dec 1989I13367 Mohr-Whalen 
5 Shields, Robert Duncan  Feb 1942I8068 Mohr-Whalen 
6 Shields, Robert Duncan  Jun 1954I8068 Mohr-Whalen 
7 Smith, Virginia S.  Jun 1954I8069 Mohr-Whalen 
8 Wing, Mary La Salle  Feb 1942I8071 Mohr-Whalen 


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Family    Marriage    Family ID   Tree 
1 Schoelzel / Shields  26 Jun 1954F23 Mohr-Whalen 

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